5 Key Benefits of Choosing Custom Web Development Over Templates

Benefits of Choosing Custom Web Development Over Templates

The number of people shopping online is increasing year by year. According to data, 2.33 billion people will choose online shopping in 2023 and this number is expected to grow to 2.54 billion by 2025, which is more than 30% of the global population (Capital One Shopping). In the United States, about 70% of the population is already shopping online, this figure is expected to remain stable or grow slightly by 2025. Businesses need to come online now to prepare for all this and take their businesses forward and for this they need a good website. 

Here template-based or CMS (Content Management System) websites come in which are prepared at low cost. But it does not meet the needs of a business and this is where custom websites come into play. As an experienced custom web development company, Arctechab has seen first-hand what a transformative effect custom web solutions can have on businesses. In this blog, we will discuss why we should adopt custom web development over template based websites and what are its benefits. 

1. Unique Branding and Design

The best thing about custom web development is that we can customise it according to our brand theme and customise it as much as we want. CMS (Content Management System) based websites or Templates do not give us that much freedom and are designed as a one-size-fits-all solution, so you cannot customise it as much as you want. On the other hand, custom web development services allow businesses to create a website that reflects their brand's personality, values, and vision. In custom websites, we can customise everything from the colour scheme and typography to the layout and images from a brand perspective.

A unique design not only enhances brand identity but also builds trust and reputation with your audience. When visitors come to a website that is visually appealing and professionally designed, they are more likely to consider the business as reliable and trustworthy. This first impression is crucial in converting visitors into customers.

2. Scalability and Flexibility

CMS (Content Management System) websites or Templates often become outdated over time and businesses are unable to edit them to suit their growing needs. You can't easily add new features to template websites, such as adding a new third-party app to your website or scaling up your website to handle growing traffic. You can't do all this with a template website. But custom websites give you the freedom to do all this and provide you with unmatched scalability and flexibility.

Custom websites allow you to design with the future in mind and add all the things you will need in the future according to your business's needs. This long-term approach can save significant time and resources, as there will be no need for extensive redesigns or overhauls later on.

3. Enhanced Performance and User Experience

As everyone knows how important website performance plays in search engine rankings. Templates come with many features and codes that we cannot edit and sometimes our websites are slow due to these codes, but in custom websites we add only the necessary codes to the website and can customise our website according to the search engine so that the website loads fast and the user gets a good experience.

By focusing on well-organised codes, efficient databases, and optimised images, custom websites can achieve faster load times and seamless navigation. This not only improves user satisfaction but also has a positive impact on your SEO rankings. Search engines like Google prefer fast-loading websites, making speed an important aspect of your online visibility.

4. Better Security

When you do any business, security is your priority in that business. The second is the website of that business. Usually, we use CMS (Content Management System) to create our business website. CMS (Content Management System) already has built-in templates through which we can easily develop our website. However, the main disadvantage of using these CMS is that they rely on plugins and code. Hackers easily get inside these plugins and template codes.

So it is always better to create your website through custom coding as it is secure and provides extra security to your custom websites.

With custom development, you have greater control over security protocols and can ensure that your website complies with the latest security standards. This includes secure coding practices, regular updates, and advanced measures such as encryption and multi-factor authentication. Protecting your website from cyber threats not only safeguards your data but also maintains your customers' trust.

5. SEO Optimization

We all know that search engine optimization is a very important part of digital marketing. SEO strength gives huge benefits to a custom website. In custom website development, everything is under our control, due to which we apply SEO tactics to websites easily and in a better way. Custom websites are built with clean and efficient coding. Which is very beneficial for SEO.

Templates are not so SEO friendly because of their in-built features and coding. It is not right to tamper with the coding of templates because of this the structure of our website gets spoiled. Whereas nothing like this happens in custom websites, we already make them best for SEO. Custom websites are designed to include SEO-friendly URLs, proper meta tags, and schema markups. We can easily insert the code of SEO tools and Analytics in the custom website without the help of any plugin. With this, we get rid of unnecessary plugins and codes and the speed of our website improves significantly.


Custom web development has a lot of benefits over a CMS (Content Management System) or template website, hence we should choose the custom web development. Doing this helps a lot in the online success of your business website. From a good website to good branding and SEO optimization, custom website development gives your business a different height. At Aarktechub, we are good at delivering the best web solutions that help to the needs of our clients.

Investing in a custom web development company not only ensures a website that stands out from the competition but also lays a strong foundation for future success. If you're ready to take your online presence to the next level, consider the advantages of custom web development and partner with a team that can bring your vision to life.